Logistics and Supply Chain Systems Engineering (LogEn) Research Unit address cutting-edge supply-chain problems and advanced research in the area of logistics, and supply chain system with the emphasis on optimization, production planning, scheduling simulation, inventory management, forecasting, quality management, lean management and operations management. Logistics and Supply Chain Management is an interdisciplinary field with transportation, information technology, marketing, industrial and civil engineering, and economics. It requires experiences, innovative, solutions to address existing logistics and supply-chain problems.
I. Objectives
1.Conduct cutting-edge research and development in logistics and supply chain.
2.Provide consulting for solving logistics and supply-chain problems
3.Provide advanced training in the area of logistics and supply-chain
II. Scope of Research
Overall Research focuses of LogEn Research Unit involve
A) Logistics and Supply Chain Management
B) Transportation System Design and Analysis
C) Network Optimization
D) Procurement Logistics
E) Computational Analysis, Design, and Manufacturing
F) Warehouse Design and Operations
G) Operation Scheduling
H) Simulation Modeling and Analysis in Supply Chain
I) Production Planning and Control
J) Inventory Management
K) Forecasting
L) Operations Management
M) Quality Management
N) Lean Management
O) Vehicle Routing and Scheduling
P) Man Power Scheduling
Q) Maintenance Scheduling
R) Plant Location and Plant Layout
III. Members
LogEn research unit have continuously produced a number of research publications. The research work is supported by various external research funding agencies, such as TRF, NRCT, EGAT, and NRU.
A) Faculty Members
The list of LogEn research unit members with their expertise is as follows :

Asst. Prof. Dr. Nattharika Rittippant
Supply Chain Management Multinational Strategies

Asst. Prof. Dr. Morrakot Raweewan
Simulation Modeling and Analysis in Supply Chain

B) Research Assistants
Ph.D. candidates
1.Mr. Apirath Phusittrakool
Master students
1.Ms. Nuchjarin Intalar
2.Ms. Phichayanan Thanthanasuphawat
3.Ms. Krissana Kiatthanawit
4.Mr. Thanatorn Sinphatsirikul
5.Ms. Preya Pichetverachai
6.Mr. Loi Thang Nguyen
7.Ms. Tham Thi Tran
8.Mr. Tai Duc Pham
9.Mr. Thi Truong Nguyen
10.Ms. Lan Thi Ngoc Le
11.Mr. Tieng Kimseng
12.Ms. Nattana Tangsangob
13Mr. Anuparp Saengsathien
IV. Facilities
LogEn research unit is equipped with state-of-the-art software for solving Optimization, Simulation and Statistics, as detailed below :
1.IBM ILOG CPLEX: Model business issues mathematically and solve them with IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimizer's powerful algorithms to produce precise and logical decisions. IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimizer's mathematical programming technology enables decision optimization for improving efficiency, reducing costs, and increasing profitability. It provides flexible, high-performance mathematical programming solvers for linear programming, mixed integer programming, quadratic programming, and quadratically constrained programming problems.
2.IBM SPSS Statistics: A software package used for statistical analysis. It is now officially named "IBM SPSS Statistics". Companion products in the same family are used for survey authoring and deployment (IBM SPSS Data Collection), data mining (IBM SPSS Modeler), text analytics, and collaboration and deployment (batch and automated scoring services). IBM SPSS Statistics is an integrated family of products that addresses the entire analytical process, from planning to data collection to analysis, reporting and deployment. With more than a dozen fully integrated modules to choose from, you can find the specialized capabilities you need to increase revenue, outperform competitors, conduct research and make better decisions.
3.ARENA Simulation Software: Arena is used by many large companies engaged in simulating business processes. Some of these firms include General Motors, UPS,
IBM, Nike, Xerox, Lufthansa, Ford Motor Company, and others. It has been noted that creating a simulation can require more time at the beginning of a project, but quicker installations and product optimizations can reduce overall project time. Arena can simulate diverse operation types, including call centers, for optimizing the use of agents and phone lines, the size and routing of pancake stacks in a food processing facility, and the design of a gold mine.
V. Services and Activities
LogEn research unit provides services to related industries in the areas related to logistics and supply chain problems, as follows:
1.Research and Development
2.Industrial Consultation
3.Training and Workshops
4.Optimization Modeling Development
5.Predictive Model Development
VI. Research Projects, Partners, and Clients
A.Research Projects
List of Projects from 2010-2013:
1.“Optimization model for monthly unit commitment in large-scale power operation planning”, EGAT (2013-2014).
2.“A Study on the Efficiency Improvement of Healthcare Logistics in Emergency Room”, NRCT (2012).
C. Clients
VII. Contact
Asst. Prof. Dr. Chawalit Jeenanunta
Head, Logistics and Supply Chain System Engineering Research Unit
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology (SIIT),
131 Moo 5, Tiwanont Road, Bangkadi, Muang,
Pathum Thani, 12000, Thailand
Tel: +66(2) 501-3505~20 Ext. 6000
Fax: +66(2) 501-3524
Email: chawalit@siit.tu.ac.th
VIII. Selected Publications from 2010-2013 (with 50 more)
A) International Journals
1.Krisada Asawarungsaengkul and Suebsak Nanthavanij (2013). On evaluation and localization of auditory warning devices for adequate audibility, International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, Vol. 19, No. 3, 2013, pp. 3-17.
2.Navee Chiadamrong and Tinnawat Canova (2013). Assessing logistics factors on the business success of the electrical and electronics industry in Thailand, European Journal of Industrial Engineering, Vol. 7, No. 4, 2013, pp. 393-415.
3.Imran Ahmad, Chawalit Jeenanunta, Pisit Chanvarasuth and Somrote Komolavanij, Prediction of Physical Quality Parameters of Frozen Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) through An Artificial Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithm Approach, An International Journal Food and Bioprocess Technology, ISSN: 1935-5130, ISI Impact Factor = 3.7 and ranking is 4/128
4.Chawalit Jeenanunta, Nattharika Rittippant, Pornpimol Chongphaisal, Apiwan Thumsamisorn, Thunyalak Visanvetchakij, Knowledge transfer of outward FDI by Thai MNEs, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, submitted April 2013 1976-1597 (Print), 2158-6721 (Online), 2011 Impact Factor - 0.514
5.Imran Ahmad, Chawalit Jeenanunta and Somrote Komolavanij, Characterization of Quality Degradation during Chilled Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Supply Chain, International Food Research Journal, 20(4): 1833-1842 (2013), ISSN 22317546 (Online)
1.Kamolwon Cha-ume and Navee Chiadamrong (2012). Simulation of retail supply chain behavior and financial impact in an uncertain environment, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, Vol. 13, No. 2, 2012, pp. 162-186.
2.N. Chiadamrong and P. Wajcharapornjinda (2012). Developing an economic cost model for quantifying supply chain costs, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, Vol. 13, No. 4, 2012, pp. 540-571.
3.Prachya Boonprasurt and Suebsak Nanthavanij (2012). Optimal fleet size, delivery routes, and workforce assignments for the vehicle routing problem with manual materials handling, International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice, Vol. 19, No. 6 (2012), pp. 252-263.
4.Tanuchporn Wongwien and Suebsak Nanthavanij (2012). Ergonomic workforce scheduling under complex worker limitation and task requirements: mathematical model and approximation procedure, Songklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 34, No. 5, September-October 2012, pp. 541-549.
1.Busaba Phruksaphanrat; Ario Ohsato and Pisal Yenradee (2011). Aggregate production planning with fuzzy demand and variable system capacity based on theory of constraints measures, International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice, Vol 18, No 5, pp. 219-231.
2.Chorkaew Jaturanonda and Suebsak Nanthavanij (2011). Analytic-based decision analysis tool for employee-job assignments based on competency and job preference, International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory, Applications and Practice, Vol. 18, No. 2, pp. 58-70.
1.Aussadavut Dumrongsiri (2010). Production, inventory and logistics planning with direct shipment to seaport using mathematical programming: the case study of a consumer-product manufacturer and exporter, International Journal of Logistics and Transport, Vol. 4, No. 1, April 2010, pp. 45-52.
2.Monthatipkul, C., Das, S. and Yenradee, P. (2010). Distribution Policy in an M-store Regional Supply Chain, International Journal of Integrated Supply Manaement, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp. 214-238.
3.Navee Chiadamrong and Nathridee Suppakitjarak (2010). Hierarchical Impact of Manufacturing Supporting Functions on Business Performances: A Case Study of Thai Industries, International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2010, pp. 108-132.
4.Suebsak Nanthavanij; Sorawit Yaoyuenyong; and Chawalit Jeenanunta (2010). Heuristic approach to workforce scheduling with combined safety and productivity objective, International Journal of Industrial Engineering: Theory Applications and Practice, Vol. 17, No. 4, 2010, pp. 319-333.
National Journals (2010-2013)
1.Ekkprawatt Phong-arjarn and Chawalit Jeenanunta. (2011). Exploring supply chain collaboration in Thai major industries, Naresuan University Journal, Vol. 19, No. 3, September-December 2011, pp. 22-34.
2.Bell Tunjongsirigul and Navee Chiadamron (2011). An introduction of genetic algorithm for improving a vehicle routing problem in a bakery company, Suranaree Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 18, No. 3, 2011, pp. 167-184.
3.Buddhakulsomsiri, J., and Parthanadee, P. Simulation modeling and analysis for production scheduling using real-time dispatching rules: a case study in canned fruit industry, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, January 2010, 70 (1), 245-255.
4.Navee Chiadamrong (2010). Evaluating the Economic Impact of Demand, Supply and Process Uncertainty in a Retail Supply Chain, Suranaree Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 17, No. 3, pp. 225-235.
5.Parthana Parthanadee, Jirachai Buddhakulsomsiri, Peerayuth Charnsethikul. A study of replacement rules for a parallel fleet replacement problem based on user preference utilization pattern and alternative fuel considerations, Computers & Industrial Engineering, 63 (2012), 46-57.
6.Tinnawat Canova and Navee Chiadamrong (2010). Evaluating the Impact of Logistics Factors to the Business Success of the Firms in the Electrical and Electronics Industry in Thailand, Suranaree Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 125-137.